Rose’s Books

Writings of a Redneck Englishwoman!

Ever since I was a young girl, I have enjoyed writing stories. For many years, family and friends encouraged me to write about my early life which was quite turbulent to say the least! Not knowing how to begin, a good friend in Alaska said, “Rose, just pick a day of the week and then sit down and write. Don’t think about what you are writing, just write!” I took her advice and began my Sunday Story blog posts which are enjoyed by so many of my faithful readers!

This finally led to the publication of my first book, ‘Diary of a Redneck Englishwoman’ which has been followed by three more in the series – and yes, another one is in the works! Now on a roll, I began the journey of chronicling my early life story in my book The Long and Winding Road’. Writing this memoir mainly for my own cathartic release, I was surprised and very humbled by the number of folks who eagerly wished to buy my book then anxiously awaited the publication of the sequel, ‘Bend in the Road.’, book number two in what will eventually be a three-book series, ‘Down Rose’s Roads’.

My writing continues because of all you fine folks from near and far who encourage this habit of mine! Thank you for your support!

The Redneck Englishwoman Series!

Intermixed with anecdotes about the antics of the animals on the Triple H Homestead Farm are stories that will touch your heart, inspire and encourage you. Follow the saga of raising piglets from birth to butcher, learn more about milk cows Lass and Heidi, laugh along at the amusing antics of creatures large and small. Share the triumphs and tragedies that occur with life on a self-sufficient farmstead. Each book is filled with short stories about life on the Triple H Homestead.

Want a signed and personal dedication in your copy? Order directly from Rose! Redneck Englishwoman Series $10 each or $35 for the set of four.

Down Rose’s Roads ~ The Memoir Series.

Book One: ‘The Long and Winding Road’ … A Stolen Childhood

A captivating account of Rose’s early life journey. Chronicling the story of a wee young girl, abruptly taken from her mother and whisked away by a domineering father. Follow her journey as she and her father travel around England in an old black van, to her experiences as a teenager living on skid row in Canada. For years, moving from village to village in England, town to town in Canada, and never knowing the reason why.


Book Two: ‘Bend in the Road’

The long awaited sequel to ‘The Long and Winding Road‘ is finally here! Rose’s story continues for readers who were anxious to know “What happened next?” and “When did you meet Darrell” and “How did you end up in Monument?”


Want a signed and personal dedication in your copy? Order directly from Rose! Rose’s Memoir Series $14 each or $25 for the set.


Rose’s Sunday Stories:

Rose shares some of her innermost thoughts with her readers as she sits in her easy chair early on a Sunday morning, a cup of tea by her side. Never planning what story she will tell, she just lets her thoughts flow. So find yourself a comfy chair, make yourself a good, strong cup of English tea and enter the world of the Redneck Englishwoman. Want to know when Rose writes a new Sunday Story? Enter your email address below to subscribe to her newsletter!